Lamb of Goddesses
Who takes away the sins of the world
Have mercy on us women
Holy Virgin of prostitutes
Mother of the goddess
Mother most impure
Mother promiscuous
Mother whore
Mother maculate
Mother corrupt
Mother insolent
Mother admirable
Mother of bad counsel
Mother destructive
Virgin most imprudent
Virgin deserving of compassion
Virgin deserving of praise
Virgin powerful
Virgin unfaithful
Ideal of ambiguity
Seat of wisdom
Honor of the people
Model of contradiction
Despised rose
Strong as a tower
Beautiful as an ivory tower
Gate of heaven
Morning star
Health of the sick women
Refuge of sinful men
Comfort of the afflicted women
Help of pagan women
Queen of Matriarchs
Queen of Prophetesses
Queen of Apostlesses
Queen of women who do not live their faith
Queen of unchaste women
Queen of all saintly women
Queen conceived with original sin
Queen assumed into heaven and hell
Queen of the most holy Rosaria
Queen of peace
Lamb of Goddesses
Who takes away the sins of the world