Introduction: Anabelle Contreras Castro
Elia’s Cutaneous Geographies: Anabelle Contreras Castro
Elia Arce: Costa Rican, Latin American, and Universal:
Vivian Martínez Tabares
Performance art as a way of giving birth to oneself: I Have So Many Stitches That Sometimes I Dream That I’m Sick and The Long Count II:
Anabelle Contreras Castro
The Stage and the Pen: Anabelle Contreras Castro
La Rosaria (Fragment taken from Stretching My Skin Until It Rips Whole):
Elia Arce
The Rosaria Interrupted: Anabelle Contreras Castro
Elia Arce: The Creative Potency of a Liberated Body: Sergio Villena Fuego
Mom: Elia Arce
The piece Mom, or killing the mother in order to create:
Anabelle Contreras Castro
One Woman’s Monologue: Elia Arce


Translations: Milena Sanabria C, with Marcial Godoy-Anativia
HemiPress Editors: Diana Taylor and Marcial Godoy-Anativia
Managing Editor of HemiPress: Olivia Michiko Gagnon
Tome Design and Development: TypeFold